The Konza Prairie Docent Program offers specialized training for community members interested in volunteering at Konza Prairie and learning about tallgrass prairie
research and ecology. Trained docents guide hikes and driving tours for public and school groups visiting Konza Prairie. Other opportunities include helping with work days and special projects, as well as attending educational in-services and social events.
New Docent Orientation is the first of 12 training sessions to become a Konza Prairie Docent. New Docent Orientation will introduce you to Konza Prairie Biological Station and the Konza Environmental Education Program. Come find out about the Docent Program, preview program materials and the upcoming training schedule, meet experienced docents and Konza Prairie staff, and view a presentation about Konza Prairie.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
NOTE: Complete docent training takes 8 days in the spring and another 4 days in the autumn (meeting 9:00 am – 12:00 pm each time). February 28th is just the first day of training/orientation.
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Registration Fee: $40
Hulbert Education Center, pass the Nature Trail kiosk and around the corner to the right, lower level of the Ranch House
Konza Prairie Biological Station
Please contact:
Jill Haukos
Director of Education (785) 587-0381